Our Services

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ADD/ADHD Counseling

Although we all know kids who can’t sit still, don't seem to listen, blurt out inappropriate comments or don’t follow instructions are often labeled with ADHD. But did you know how many adults are walking around with the same diagnosis? Because they didn't jump around and irritate their teachers, yet still struggled with focusing their attention, getting homework done and feeling as if they didn't understand what was going on, means that they have grown into adult ADHD. ADHD makes it difficult for a person to inhibit their spontaneous responses, and are often embarrassed, angry or can turn to addictions to quiet the mind. Adults with ADHD may be high energy, driven, and crash by the end of the night. Others, with ADHD may sit quietly, with their attention miles away. Whether recognized as a child or adult, it can ruin relationships, marriages and jobs without proper "drug-free" treatment.

Counseling for New Mothers

Feeling overwhelmed, not bonded with baby, in a constant state of worry, or wondering why you decided to become a mother in the first place? For new moms, it can be upsetting and frightening to have feelings about motherhood that don’t seem “right.” For some women, a morning run, a healthy diet and receiving help and support from family and friends are sufficient enough to get through the initial adjustment period. For others, talking to a therapist who specializes in dealing with new motherhood issues can be comforting, relieving and enlightening. Therapists who have extensive education and training in post-partum disorders understand that hormone changes, personal and family history, and social support are all vital factors in understanding and alleviating postpartum symptoms.

Couples Counseling

It’s no secret that relationships require work. Treating your relationship with the same kind of effort you put into other important aspects of your life—your finances, your home, your children—is key for success. But often, couples put their relationship second and don’t seek help when it begins to weaken—waiting until resentment has built up to a point where separation seems like the only option. With the right knowledge, desire and skills, every couple can have a successful relationship. 

Enneagram Coaching

The enneagram is an ancient tool for assessing personalities, but more than that. It gives us an understanding and insight as to why certain people act in certain ways, their perceptions of the world, fears, desires, and an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, as well as our own.

For couples, this tool is by far one for the best predictors and drivers of communication successes and failures.

In the workplace, it helps with assigning jobs and responsibilities, organizing teams, and helping with improving employee retention, alleviating conflict, increasing satisfaction and productivity, and leadership strategies.

High School to College Transition

Ah, yes. Getting ready for college is a wonderful time, but it can often be filled with stress. Where shall I to go? Will I get accepted? What if I don’t know what I want to do? How much is this going to cost? How will it get paid? What do I say in my personal essay or college interview? How will my parents react to me being away from home? I don’t want to leave my friends.

So much stress.

Individual/Inner Work

Are you having a difficult time handling the struggles in your life? Could you use an expert opinion on what you’re going through, or a non-judgmental ear just to listen? Do you think you could benefit the most from individualized attention? Are you hesitant to talk to others about your problems? Questions about CBT, DBT, EMDR, Psychoanalytic, and other styles of therapy confuse you? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then individual therapy could be the solution you’ve been seeking. Individual therapy differs from Group or Alternative therapy methods in the way that you are the sole focus of a single therapist who helps you develop and achieve your goals for therapy.

Men's Issues

Yep! You also need someone to talk with! And not because your partner suggested it. But because you know that when you are calmer, more grounded and happier, you are also healthier. The world and YOUR LIFE becomes a better space to be in. The decision to seek out  counseling is challenging because of the discomfort of asking for help in a society where we are taught to do it ourselves. We get it! Men have special issues from women and we know that engaging in counseling can lead to a greater self=awareness which leads to healthier relationships.

Mindfulness Health & Wellness

Unable to shut your mind off at night? Stuck in relationships, careers or life in general? Feeling depressed or unsatisfied by what life has brought you and want to make changes? Are you struggling to navigate the unique challenges life has presented to you? Do you wish you could be more present and mindful of the world around you? Have you been feeling less inspired or joyful in life lately? If so, mindfulness coaching can help. As a Mindfulness Health and Wellness Coach, I work one-on-one with individuals to help them improve their overall well-being. Life can be challenging and stressful; happiness is too easily fleeting… Working with a mindfulness-based health and wellness coach can help you summon your inner strength and feel greater happiness and joy in your day-to-day life.

Parenting Coaching

“If only my child had come with an instruction manual!” That’s a thought that most parents have had at some point in their lives. Nothing really prepares you to become a parent. Some of us were lucky enough to have parents that set a good example. But others grew up in homes where the dynamic between child and parent was anything but functional or consistently loving. The truth is, even if you did have loving parents that did right by you 24/7, you can never be fully prepared to handle sticky situations with your own children. There are special instructions for blended families where 4 sets of parenting now exist, along with the ability to get along with ex's. A coach is a person in your corner. They have learned some great experience, along with their education, to help you strengthen your own skills and gain control over your own home environment. Learn how to address behavioral issues, fitting in caring for yourself, strategies with support special needs children and guidance in creating plans education and childcare issues.