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First Appointment

We want to make this as easy and comfortable as an uncomfortable situation can be.

Asking for help is tough enough, but when you are hurting, frustrated, or scared, you want help with the “pain.”

When you arrive, have a seat in our comfortable, inviting waiting area. Enjoy relaxing music and some hot or cold tea. Your therapist will come to the waiting room to get you as soon as they are ready. Please understand that sometimes we all run late due to weather conditions, phone calls made in between session, etc. However, you will always get your full time with your therapist or mediator.

You will be asked to fill out paperwork on the portal or the first time you come in. During a counseling session, the therapist and client discuss the concerns and begin to set goals. The goal of the therapist is to respect each client and help each to feel heard and understood.


Every client can expect that what is said to their therapist is completely confidential. There are three exceptions to this: if the client states that s/he will hurt her/himself; if the client is going to hurt someone else; or if the therapist suspects client abuse. In all cases the therapist will discuss the situation with the client.

The therapist-client relationship is based on trust. If you don’t feel comfortable with the therapist, you will not be able to share what is necessary and ultimately therapy may not be a positive experience. 

Keep in mind that we are not expert witnesses and will not present in any court cases. You should know that give up all rights to confidentiality should you decide to have your case presented to an attorney.

I’ve never talked to anyone. I’m worried about how I will be seen.

People who know when to reach out and ask for help show great strength and courage. Everyone needs help now and then. In our work together, we'll help you explore and identify your strengths and how to implement them to reduce the influence of the problems you are facing.

Do you recommend medication?

Medication can be effective but alone, it cannot solve all of your issues. Sometimes medication is needed in conjunction with counseling, however, don't be fooled into believing that medication will solve any problems. It is used ONLY as a short-term aid to get to the deeper issues that might be causing the problems you are experiencing. We may suggest herbal supplements to help with sleep or anxiousness.

How long will my sessions generally last?

The average counseling session is 45 minutes. Intake appointments maybe are around 75-80 minutes in order to get a full assessment. You can also schedule 30, 60 or 90 minutes depending upon your availability, the availability of your therapist and what is affordable to you. Couple's sessions are usually scheduled for 55 minutes.

The number of sessions will depend upon you and your therapist, however, it is generally accepted that once you begin your journey, whether alone or together, your destination relies on your level of commitment to your partner, yourself and the life you want.

I want to get the most out of therapy. What can I do to make that happen?

We are so glad you are dedicated to getting the most out of your sessions. Your active participation and dedication will be crucial to your success. Show up... Participate... Be present.