Client Forms

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If you are new, please feel free to fill out these intake forms before our first session. These forms can also be filled out during the first session.

Why we chose "ARTEMIS" for our business name

In choosing the name Artemis for our counseling practice, we pay homage to the timeless wisdom and archetypal symbols that transcend generations. While rooted in ancient mythology, Artemis remains relevant today as a symbol of resilience, empowerment, and emotional wellbeing. We aspire to be the guiding light for our clients, just as Artemis was a beacon of hope and protection in the ancient world.

At Artemis Counseling, we are committed to walking alongside our clients on their unique journeys of self-discovery, healing and empowerment. Our hope is that by embracing the spirit of Artemis, our clients will emerge from their counseling experience stronger, more self-aware, and equipped with the tools to embrace life’s challenges and opportunities with newfound courage and resilience.